Internet Post

Adding to the ever growing list of people to watch, Post Internet authors interesting observations of contemporary artists working beyond the traditional means through O.F.A.C (Online Fine Art Creationism). With an overly ambiguous address (, and a bland aesthetic that can be described as "least visually engaging," the site's author uses (questionably) credible curatorial verbiage to meticulously describe new works by "media artists."

With no visual representation of the works in question and an overwhelming presence of circular art criticism, Post Internet offers a device to which one can experience the spewing of insignificant and miscellaneous (and unrelated therein) contemporary art knowledge that is common among so many young, aspiring curators. No doubt this is a result of the emphasis on overly analytical research that curatorial studies programs have to offer. Art history has been done, all we have left are educated arts enthusiasts who have to try and correlate what's happening concurrently among artists across the globe.

Much like ourselves, Post Internet is a site to which no one claims ownership and we can only question its credibility. That is to say, although we consider PI an "artist-watching-artists to watch," we disagree with his passionate need to bombard readers with his superfluous facts and comparisons - so check it out.

Addendum: As much as we are a visual set of beings, the subject to which this post is written allows no opportunity for representative image-based materials to support its text.


  1. Ritch on!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Best post you ever made next to the Biennial. H+H

  2. nobody asked you. shut the fuck up.

  3. Glad to see you back, parody-of-a-travesty that you are, theartblahg.


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