Shit We Don't Ever Want to See Again in Art

  1. canvas
  2. clothes
  3. BFA
  4. MFA
  5. critics
  6. websites
  7. blogs
  8. blahgs
  9. newspapers
  10. paint
  11. vinyl
  12. doctors
  13. paper
  14. minimalism
  15. abstraction
  16. pointillism
  17. college
  18. high school
  19. secular art
  20. non-secular art
  21. glass
  22. building materials
  23. fur
  24. books
  25. toys
  26. deer
  27. boats
  28. nudity
  29. clothing
  30. furniture
  31. windows/doors
  32. women
  33. animals
  34. men
  35. war
  36. plants
  37. terra cotta
  38. insects
  39. science
  40. YouTube
  41. Facebook
  42. Penises
  43. Vaginas
  44. scholarships
  45. grants
  46. workshops
  47. peace
  48. fellowships
  49. clay
  50. residencies
  51. buildings
  52. boxes
  53. hats
  54. NYC, LA, Chicago, Miami, Dallas, SF, Philadelphia, London, Hong Kong, etc. (cities, in general)
  55. color, specifically primary ones
  56. numbers
  57. writing
  58. paper
  59. technology
  60. people
  61. places
  62. things
If we forgot anything- leave it in the comments- we'll probably add it.

P.S. We are not in the 2012 Whitney Biennial.


  1. Oh, and you hijacked artblerghs "super-awesome" Biennial 2012 google bomb :-)

  2. Dear Theartblahg,

    I laughed aloud at this post. Thank you. And then I laughed at I AM ANON's additions. Double win.


  3. 65. Air Fresheners

  4. #65 has been planned as a post for a couple of weeks. Not that we have a problem with Air Freshener art...just hypocrisy paired with bullshit criticism. Remember the Whale?

  5. totally hilarious. good job, VR! A real winner!

  6. “Remember the Whale” under an Air Freshener would make a great t-shirt.

  7. 68. Jocks
    69. Stoners
    70. Crybabies


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